

British Queen celebrates


London's Metropolitan Police has organized an Eid Al-Adha celebration event in an ongoing effort to rebuild trust and strengthen relationships with the British Muslim community. The event,

held at New Scotland Yard, aimed to address the historically low levels of public trust in the police among ethnic communities in the capital. This outreach initiative follows the release of a government report that labeled the Met as institutionally racist. The event encouraged individuals from diverse backgrounds to consider a career in policing while emphasizing the importance of representation within the force.

Collaborating with the British Islamic Trade Association and Algebra Consulting, the Metropolitan Police welcomed community leaders and government representatives to the reception. This event marked the second community outreach initiative in recent months, reflecting the force's commitment to address the concerns highlighted in the government report. By actively engaging with the Muslim community during Eid celebrations, the Met aimed to foster better cultural awareness and promote inclusivity within frontline policing.

One of the speakers at the event, Sobia Seher, a British-Pakistani emergency response officer who wears a hijab, shared her experiences and emphasized the significance of representation in building trust and understanding. With her ability to speak multiple languages, including Urdu and Punjabi, Seher highlighted how language skills help her communicate effectively with victims in their native language, putting them at ease during challenging situations. Her positive experience with the Met for over three years motivated her to break down barriers and encourage more women from the Muslim community to join frontline policing.

The government report revealed a decline in public trust in the Metropolitan Police, particularly among Black and mixed ethnic groups. It exposed a bullying culture and discrimination within the force, necessitating significant reforms. The event and the appointment of new commissioners in September 2022 were seen as positive steps toward addressing these challenges. However, the report also stressed the importance of tackling deep-seated cultural issues to ensure lasting change and sustained progress.

The successful community engagement event signifies a commitment by the Metropolitan Police to address diversity issues and foster better relationships with the Muslim community. By partnering with organizations such as Algebra Consulting, the force aims to educate its officers on effectively engaging with Muslim communities in the capital. Continued efforts to bridge gaps, promote representation, and foster understanding are crucial to rebuilding trust and transforming the police force into an inclusive institution that serves all communities effectively. Photo by DAVID HOLT from London, England, Wikimedia commons.